Screenshots courtesy of Kurt Erickson
Here's the config dialog that you can get to from the Pidgin plugins menu. From
here you can:
- Regenerate a private key, if you want to change its size from the default
1024 bits, or if you think that it might be compromised.
- Adjust the notification settings for accepting keys from other users
- Tell the plugin whether or not to send a notification with the first
unencrypted message that you send someone. This way, people can tell
that you have the plugin loaded, since their lock icons will turn green.
- Tell the plugin to automatically turn on outgoing encryption, if it
sees an incoming notification with a message.
Source: v 3.1:
Available here
for use with Pidgin 2.x. Here are the installation instructions.
Subversion: Instructions. The SVN build should work with the
current Pidgin Monotone build. If it doesn't, IM me: BillTompkins2 on AIM.
Fedora: You can find an RPM for Fedora Core at FreshRPMs or at Dries.
Mandriva: In the distribution, just "urpmi pidgin-encryption"
Gentoo: In the distribution, just "emerge pidgin-encryption"
Debian: In the distribution, just "apt-get install pidgin-encryption".
Ubuntu: In Ubuntu's "Universe" as Pidgin-Encryption.
Windows: Download the Win32 self-extracting binary.
Or, if you'd like, here are some instructions on how to build it yourself.